Cat's Story

He has quite literally totally changed my life!

Coming back from that was one of the hardest things. I had totally lost my self-confidence, but also confidence in my body to do what it used to, so I was extremely nervous to get back to exercise. Aiden was the only man for the job! I trusted him to know not only practically what I could or couldn’t do, but to take it at a pace that he knew would get the results.

It was the most amazing transition. Part way through the rehabilitation process I booked a dream trip to Borneo for my 30th birthday but I knew I still had a long way to go to feel strong enough to carry my rucksack around for weeks! We had a five-month deadline to stick to, and boy did Aiden make it count!

In five months, I lost over 24lbs and felt the best I had ever felt when I was standing by the pool having a cocktail. Not only that, but my partner was far less worried about me as we trekked around the place to find orangutans in the jungle – my back felt strong, I felt strong and ultimately, I was carrying over 24lbs less around with me.

Well…. it’s hard to know where to start with this to be honest. The amount that PEAK Online Fitness has helped me is quite simply beyond words. I have been using the system and training for a decade or more, and so as you can imagine life has taken some ups and downs in that time. The main constant has been Aiden and his coaching to keep me strong mentally as well as physically.  

When we first started training together all of those years ago, I wanted to train with someone to push me harder than I would myself in preparation for a holiday to Australia and Fiji.

I wanted to go away feeling good about myself (for probably the first time ever!), but also to feel fit and fresh for the adventures that lay ahead.  

Things took an unexpected downward turn, and I had a significant back injury at home and I had to have a long period almost completely out of the gym.

After that trip we were on to prepping for the wedding. That was super fun too, because I was starting from a point of feeling fitter. I had my first dress fitting just before COVID cancelled the wedding so I knew I had to stay in shape during lockdown as the alterations had already started but Aiden just kept me focused and accountable. 

Aiden’s coaching app, daily contact and weekly check-ins made sure I felt my absolute best on the big day. Since then, he has kept me going, we had a delayed honeymoon to stay in shape for after the wedding and the PEAK Fitness app and nutrition guidance meant that I was quite literally in the best shape of my life when we headed to Kenya last year. Even better than the wedding!  

I honestly can’t sum up how valuable Aiden has been as a coach. His knowledge and approach are second to none, and his dedication to get the best out of his clients and to help them see what they are capable of and to reach their goals, whatever they may be, is outstanding. His plans are bespoke and tailored to you, which is an amazing amount of effort but this shows in his results.  

He has quite literally totally changed my life! I went from thinking I would never run or really even exercise again to being in the best shape ever. Not only that he has helped me keep strong mentally by keeping me focused and on track physically, even on the hard days or the days I didn’t feel like it. 

He is a fantastic personal trainer, an amazing nutritionist, and not only that but an incredible guy – approachable, down to earth, and totally dedicated to his clients, (plus an agony aunt at times after a long day!). 

I would recommend Aiden over and over. If you’re looking to start a journey of physical and mental wellbeing, get signed up to his coaching today. It is something you won’t regret.

Are you interested in becoming the best version of yourself?